Motion to Quash and Amicus Curiae Brief from ACLU-NJ

Thanks to all who showed up for the press conference yesterday to mark the filing of the motion to quash the subpoenas on Leo and Luke. Your support is vitally important to showing Mr. Straus and the NYU Law administration that the NYU Law community is united in support of student free speech.

We are happy to be able to provide you with access to both the actual Motion to Quash filed and an Amicus Brief filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Jersey on Luke and Leo’s behalf. NYU Law Professor Burt Neuborne, a noted First Amendment scholar, is “of counsel” on the amicus.

While we are grateful for the support from you all, from the ACLU of New Jersey, and from Professor Neuborne, we would note that Mr. Straus, who has a petition with over 500 signatures sitting on his desk, could and should end this all by simply withdrawing his subpoena request, instead of wasting judicial resources on his fishing expedition.

Amicus Brief ACLU-NJ

Motion to Quash

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